Fashion Friday

Making Casual Fridays Extinct Since 2012

tassel jewelry

Keys to Success

Fashion FridayComment

I love how antique-style keys look, and I love an excuse to work them into a fashion accessory. Necklaces, bracelets, bag charms, you name it!  In the piece available through the Fashion Friday site, I particularly like the shiny hard key contrasted with the softness of the tassel in the Tassel Key Necklace.

Check out "The Goods" for the Tassel Key Necklace shown in the collection here and for a few other items incorporating keys into some fashionable accessories for your wardrobe!

New Site is Up and Running!

Fashion FridayComment

Well, the new "Shop" portion of our site is up and running! Now our loyal Fashion Friday fans can find all the latest items from our Instagram and Twitter in the same place! Keep your eye on the shop for the new items coming soon for Spring and Summer 2016, and browse "The Goods" for what's currently available!